Seasonal, sensual, experiential spaces to slow down

Welcome to Late Summer 🌼

Late Summer Meridians -

Stomach and Spleen

The magic of the season is nourishing ourselves.


An invitation to slow down:

I have a secret to tell you. I used to live on the high of urgency, of rushing around and getting things done. I cannot do it anymore and I could not be happier.

I wonder if you feel the same way? If you find yourself pushing through the day, overstimulated and on edge, I want you to know you’re not alone. My dream is to invite you into a world where we can go at the speed of our delight, of our pleasure, of our capacity and ability to be present in our bodies and our beings.

I crave the luxury of enjoying life, of sitting with my sensations, holding my emotions close and experiencing the full spectrum of feeling. I dream of sunsets so beautiful that we all breathe out a sigh of relief that we get to witness them. I wish for our hands to bring the healing into the present moment, to invite our weary spirits back home and into our current space time reality. Will you join me?

Stepping into my role as an intuitive business guide has been a long walk home. I have grown up watching and witnessing the energy of enterprise and business that grows and wanes like the tides. There is a timeless creative impulse that can be fulfilled through our relationship with our businesses and our contribution and purpose in the world can be alchemized in this way.

I hope you’ll join on this journey and that we get to find ourselves along the way.

Coming soon…