
Market Day

Sunday August 8, 2021

9:30AM-12:00 PM PST/12:30 PM-3:00 PM EST

Welcome to our breezy summer space, we can’t wait to be together and love having you. We are celebrating the essence of Summer together, coming together online for fun, joy and lots of laughter.

Join us as I share ancestral wisdom and practical advice on how to keep cool and take care of your physical body. From Karen our Fairy Godmother, you get to learn how to make a greens saver from a kit or a tea towel you already have and keep your greens fresh for weeks.

Doors close August 5th, 2021

How do you feel about Summer?

Do you delight in the extra light? Do you find yourself dancing and singing? Or do you find yourself irritable, sweaty and plain annoyed? Summer is the season of the utmost Yang energy, and there is a beautiful way to encourage ourselves to deeply enjoy the season.

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Who is this for?

And what do we need for class?

Whether you hand sew all your clothes, or have only sewn a button back in an emergency, this class is welcoming to makers and aspiring makers of all experience levels. If you ever dream of sewing with your friends, with the support of your sewing fairy godmother nearby, this workshop is for you!

We will include a kit with:

  • organic cotton double gauze

  • sewing needle & pins in a needle book

  • thread snips

  • linen bias tape

  • organic cotton thread




The love language of touch is greatly underestimated and under used in our lives. It is my deep pleasure to share the practice of acupressure and self-massage as a way to connect more with yourself, with your loved ones, with your ancestors. One of the senses that gets overlooked, touch is a portal for connection and intimacy with each other and self.

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Sewing as a spell.

The intention that we have in our heart when we do anything is how we practice magic. When you don't know how something is made, it seems like magic. Someday, you understand how to make it yourself, and then that magic becomes a skill in your toolbelt. But, if you love to make things with your hands, and you continue to practice that skill, honing your craft until it becomes second nature - all the sudden it's magic again.



“The world is fully of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

W.B. Yeats

“It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done.”

Terry Pratchett

Sweet Summer

Summer: a time for shining

Summer is the season associated with Fire in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

We may find ourselves moving faster and faster as we move into the heat of Summer. More and more activity and expenditure of energy. Joy and laughter are associated with Summer.

In Chinese Medicine, Summer is the time to sustain our Yang energy. To understand ourselves and store and keep some of this big Yang energy for the Fall and Winter of the year. It is a time to socialize and spend time exploring and with our loved ones. How can we go outward while taking tender care of our inner world?

Our wish is to share knowledge, wisdom passed down through the years, and practical advice to attune to the season.

Sewing is magical mindfulness

Hand Sewing connects us to our ancestors and is a magical act.

Sewing is one of our favorite ways to connect with our bodies, to slow down the hectic pace of the world around us. Our wish is to bring the practical skill of sewing and share it in a way that stays with you. No matter where your family lived on earth, they used their hands to make clothes and home goods. Learning this skill will connect you to your ancestors and light the spark of creativity. We hope to keep the fun and creativity flowing as we also learn how to keep our greens cool and fresh.

Intimate Community & Connection

Connection is the magic that we create together.

In these seemingly surreal times, we wanted to offer a safe space to be together by honoring intimate and cozy moments. By sharing our own rituals and practices, we pull the thread of our experience together.

The heart of our being is often expressed through words. Our intention is to have the experience of a moving meditation to stitch together the fabric of our community.

We will cultivate our ability to share joy and happiness. Lift our voice and laughter together. As well as share the magic of co-creation in a soft and welcoming space.